How Governments Are Using AgTech For Better Insurance
With the emergence of agtech start-ups that rely on specific tech-led innovation within the insurance value chain, it has helped expedite the speed with which farmers receive necessary reimbursements and support.
Crop Insurance Goes Digital Through Partnerships
Although crop insurance claims are something most farmers fear, with the advent of digital agriculture technologies, many data technology companies are now able to provide streamlined reporting and better risk management modeling by partnering with crop insurance providers.
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Featured Product
RAYN Growing Systems Fotono LED Luminaire
Fotono is a full spectrum LED horticultural luminaire designed to directly replace HPS lights in greenhouses. At 12 pounds, 20 inches long, and 5 inches high, Fotono's compact size makes installation simple while minimizing structural burden on greenhouses. This compact fixture packs energy-saving and yield-improving features, such as a high output, stepless dimming, advanced spectral capabilities, and more.