Dairy Goat Monitoring Via IoT Rumen Bolus
The rumination monitoring allows farm managers to tell if the ration adjustment they made is working, the real-time monitoring of body temperature and activity help farmers to catch estrus goat, sick goat, and lambing goat much earlier than they did in the past.
28th J
uly 2023, Together with the Northwest A&F University, the smart sheep/goat rumen bolus was installed in the dairy goat sheep farm which owned 1800 Dairy goats in Shaanxi. Brings the leading IoT goat rumen bolus to the dairy goat industry. After being installed into the dairy goat rumen via a standard bolus gun, it will collect and report the goat's body temperature, activity, and rumination data to the platform every 15 mins, with a battery life of up to 2~3 years, it is a pair of eyes watching the goats 24/7. Help farm managers make accurate day-to-day goat management decisions. The rumination monitoring allows farm managers to tell if the ration adjustment they made is working, the real-time monitoring of body temperature and activity help farmers to catch estrus goat, sick goat, and lambing goat much earlier than they did in the past.Featured Product
"Smart farming" is an important part of the answer to this existential question: Extremely high efficiency in food production through the targeted use of the latest technology, computer-supported and - where possible - fully automatic. Seeds are individually and precisely placed; fruits carefully picked by mechanical grippers; fertilizers and plant protection products applied in small doses and in a targeted manner. These operations require a large number of small electric motors that are both robust and powerful.